Nishizawa Valley climbing record

For this climb  Exertion Level:★☆☆☆☆  Difficulty Level:★☆☆☆☆  Scenic Level:★★★★☆

For this climb
Exertion Level:★☆☆☆☆
Difficulty Level:★☆☆☆☆
Scenic Level:★★★★☆

The best shot for this climb

This Mountain's Information


  1. □ Duration:1 Day
  2. □ Term of Climbing:05.26.2019 ~ 05.26.2019
  3. □ Date at Summit: 05.26.2019


  1. □ Weather:Mostly Sunny
  2. □ Highest Temperature:22.0°C
  3. □ Lowest Temperature:13.0°C

Climbing Course

  1. □ Distance:11.1km
  2. □ Cumulative Elevation:420m
  3. □ Course:I went around counterclockwise its course from Mitomi Car Station.
  4. □ Further Information:

Approach to Starting Point

  1. □ Transportation:Car
  2. □ Time to Starting Point:2.5H from Omiya to Mitomi Parking
  3. □ Further Information:Basically, the parking lot is free of charge. If you want to park somewhere close to entrance of climbing, there are some space and you have to pay ¥500 per day.


The Map of Climbing Course

Nishizawa Valley The map of the climb

Altitude × Temperature

Nishizawa Valley Altitude × Temperature

My Impressions

I have been being lazy to climb mountains. As I get fat, my stamina has been also heading to bottom line. So, I had to find somewhere like short course and time. So, this Valley was good choice for my physical condition.
Even thought, it is still in May, the temperature was like summer. I suppose it was over 30℃ but I don’t know exactly because there was around 15℃ when I started to walk at 7 am.
I think this place is very special. I’ve never seen and heard like this where it has number of falls at the same place.

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《 Legend 》
* : 100 famous mountains of Japan
: Unable to Summit

FAB Yugawara-Makuiwa, RockClibming (626m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) 
JAN NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Yugawara-Makuiwa, RockClibming (626m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) 

DEC Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) Aoba, RockClibming (120m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Yugawara-Makuiwa, RockClibming (626m) Yugawara-Makuiwa, RockClibming (626m) 
NOV NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) NagasawaRock, RockClibming (0m) Aizu-Tajima (0m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Joyama, RockClibming (342m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) 
OCT Ugawa, RockClimbing (0m) Kofumakuiwa, RockClimbing (1,300m) Kabutoiwa, RockClimbing (667m) Kogashiyama, RockClimbing (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClimbing (582m) 
SEP Harunakuroiwa, RockClimbing (0m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Ugawa, RockCrimbing (0m) Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Sakushiga Ipponsugi, RockClimbing (500m) 
AUG Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Mizugaki Kasameri Valley, RockClimbing (1,600m) Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) ShibasakiRock, RockClimbing (800m) 
JUL Harunakuroiwa, RockClimbing (1,449m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Kogashiyama, RockClibming (582m) Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) Mizugaki Kasameri Valley, RockClimbing (1,600m) Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) 
JUN Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) Hiwadayama, RockClimbing (305m) Ogawayama, RockClimbing (2,418m) Shoniniwa, RockClimbing (842m) Hiwadayama, RockClimbing (305m) 
MAY Hiwadayama, RockClimbing (305m) 
APR Tokuswa (0m) Mt. Tanigawa (1,977m) Mt. Tanigawa (1,977m) 
FAB Happo (0m) Mt. Kenashi (1,650m) Mt. Tounodake (1,491m) 
JAN Mt. Tounodake (1,491m) Mt. Tounodake (1,491m) 

DEC Kamikochi (0m) Mt. Tanigawa (1,977m) 

MAY Nishizawa Valley (1,250m) 

OCT Mt. Zao (Kumanodake) (1,840m)* Mt. Gassan (1,984m)* 
AUG Mt. Sannoto-Tonodake-Nabewari (1,491m)* 
MAY Mt. Tonodake (1,491m)* 

DEC Mt. Tanigawa (1,977m)* 
MAY Mt. Kaimondake (924m)* Mt. Aso (1,592m)* Mt. Karakunidake of Kirishima (1,700m)* Mt. Sakurajima (1,117m) Mt. Ena (2,191m)* Mt. Arashimadake (1,523m)* 
APR Mt. Ibuki (1,377m)* Mt. Yakedake (2,455m)* 
MAR Mt. Senjogatake (3,033m)* 
FAB Mt. Kiso-Komagatake (2,956m)* 
JAN Mt. Tanigawadake (1,977m)* Mt. Nyoho (2,303m) Mt. Yatsugatake (2,899m)* 

DEC Mt. Jonendake (2,857m)*↓ Mt. Yakedake (2,455m)*↓ Mt. Tanigawa-Bateikei (1,945m)* 
NOV Mt. Aizu-Komagatake (2,132m)* Mt. Sukai (2,144m)* Mt. Nyoho (2,463m) 
OCT Mt. Daisen (1,729m)* Mt. Echigo-sanzan (2,085m)* Mt. Takatsuma (2,353m)* Mt. Amagi (1,406m)* 
SEP Mt. Azumaya (2,354m)* Mt. Iwaki (1,625m)* Mt. Hakkoda (1,584m)* 
AUG Mt. Ryogami (1,723m)* Mt. Shibutsu (2,228m)* Mt. Hayachine (1,917m)* 
JUL Mt. Haku (2,707m)* 
JUN Mt. Nasudake (1,917m)* 
FAB Mt. Nikko-shirane (2,578m)*↓ 
JAN Mt. Utsukushigahara (2,034m)* 

NOV Mt. Mizugaki (2,230m)* Mt. Kinpu (2,599m)* Mt. Daibosatsurei (2,057m)* 
OCT Mt. Yarigatake (3,180m)* Mt. Nantai (2,846m)* 
AUG Mt. Kobushidake (2,475m)* 
APR Mt. Nishiazuma (2,035m)* Mt. Adatara (1,699m)* 
MAR Mt. Houousanzan (2,841m)* Mt. Houousanzan (2,841m)*↓ 
FAB Mt. Tanigawadake (1,977m)* 
JAN Mt. Azumaya (2,354m)*↓ 

DEC Mt. Yatsugatake (2,899m)* Mt. Kogashi (582m) 
NOV Mt. Kogashi (582m) 
OCT Mt. Iwate (2,038m)* Mt. Hirugatake (1,673m) Mt. Asama (2,568m)* 
SEP Mt. Ryogami (1,723m)*↓ Mt. Utsukushigahara (2,034m)* Mt. Hiuchi (2,462m)* Mt. Myoko (2,454m)* Mt. Kashima-Yarigatake (2,889m)* Mt. Goryudake (2,814m)* Mt. Nikko-Shirane (2,578m)* 
AUG Mt. Ontake (3,067m)* Mt. Kiso-Komagatake (2,956m)*↓ 
JUL Mt. Kai-Komagatake (2,967m)* Mt. Kasatori (1,953m) 
JUN Mt. Kirigamine (1,925m)* Mt. Tateshina (2,531m)* Mt. Adatara (1,699m)* Mt. Bandai (1,816m)* 
MAY Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane (2,160m)* Mt. Myogi (1,103m) Mt. Hiuchigatake (2,356m)* Mt. Zao-Okama (1,758m)* 
APR Mt. Karasawadake (3,103m) Mt. Kenashiiwa (1,300m) Mt. Makihata (1,967m)* Mt. Takegawadake (1,051m) 
MAR Mt. Kumotori (2,017m)* Mt. Yatsugatake (2,899m)* Mt. Tanzawa (1,567m)* 
FAB Mt. Tanigawadake (1,977m)*↓ 
JAN Mt. Nyugasa (1,955m) Mt. Tonodake (1,491m) 

I'm not sure below because I forgot where I climbed.

DEC Mt. Kitayatsugatake (2,840m) Mt. Tanigawadake (1,977m)*↓ 
NOV Mt. Yatsugatake (2,899m)* 
JUN Mt. Joshu-Hotaka (2,158m)* Mt. Tanigawa (1,977m)* 
MAY Mt. Joshu-Hotaka (2,158m)*↓ Mt. Kumotori | Hiryu (2,017m)* 
FAB Mt. Tounodake (1,491m) 
JAN Mt. Kumotori (2,017m)* 

DEC Mt. Tounodake (1,491m) Mt. Tanzawa (1,567m)* Mt. Kumotori (2,017m)* 
SEP (0m) 
AUG Mt. Akagi (1,828m)* 

AUG Mt. Tsukuba (877m)* 
MAY Mt. Tounodake (1,491m) 

SEP Mt. Gumo (977m) 

JUL Mt. Fuji (3,776m)*